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J Davidson Helps Collect for Cash For Kids

cash for kids

Cash for Kids is the official charity of KEY 103 & Magic 1152, they provide help to disabled and disadvantaged children all across Greater Manchester.

So on Friday 26th April, Key 103’s Darren Proctor aired his show from Wythenshawe Hospital’s outdoor play centre. At 1pm when his show finished he left the hospital and headed over to J Davidsons in Altrincham to do a live link back to the studio and picked up their famous James Bond truck!

Darren then travelled round various businesses in Manchester collecting donations to reach their £100,000 target.

The money raised will be used to build a brand new outpatients department at Wythenshawe hospital, which will be used by more than 8,000 families.

To make a donation to this fantastic Charity, please follow this link:

Jamie Davidson Google+

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